I made it back, alive and in one piece. So, although it was supposed to be a full week of relaxation, I didn't do much relaxing. I guess that I took a page from Bret's vacation book and kept myself so busy that I need time to recuperate from the vacation.
I stayed at Red Rock Resort from Monday to Friday. It was amazingly beautiful and my time to enjoy the good life (without kids). I spent some time in the spa and only got about an hour by the pool. The rest of the time I spent at the golf course,
TPC Summerlin to be exact. I was a little worried that I would be bored going to a golf tournament, but I was pleasantly surprised--I loved it! I ended up walking more than 27 holes over each of 5 days. I saw many
PGA golfers and a few
celebrities, and of course,
JT. He is an amazing golfer and fun to watch. He also played with Fred Couples (an old favorite of mine) on the pro-am day. Also, I met a
PGA player at dinner one night, and I think that it was even more fun to cheer for him. Following his rounds, I got to meet his parents as well and what nice people. I was really lucky to meet them! I also met someone that graduated from BU (my
Alma Mater), someone else from West Chester, PA (Bret's home town) and other fellow
JT fans.
I went to
JT's charity concert on Friday and it was amazing! Star packed and amazing music were compiled into a 3 hour concert. The concert was a ball--what can I say, I love to dance! I was up until 3:30a. I haven't been up that late since college. Boy, am I getting old!
My only true disappointment during my trip was on the pro-am day (Wednesday). I had gotten to the course early (about 6:15a) and followed several groups around the course.
JT's group teed off at 11:30a and I followed them through their entire round. After the round, I waited patiently to get an autograph (I had told my kids that I was going to try to get it for them) and a picture. After waiting for over an hour,
JT came out to sign stuff. After about 50 people,
JT stopped. It just so happened that I was person #51. Granted, there were people behind me, but I was
devastated. Maybe it was because I'd been in the sun for almost 12 hours, or because I had walked 27 plus holes, or because I hadn't eaten for 6 hours, I lost it. OK, it really sucked! Luckily, I called my family and they instantly put things into perspective. It didn't help, though, that every time after that when I talked to the kids, they asked if I had gotten his autograph yet. I felt like a failure as a parent, at least initially. Let's just say that it definitely wasn't my lucky day. I did try to remember that I had gotten to see his round of golf. OK, really, I'm a very normal person (usually!).
By the end of the week, I was really missing my husband and kids. Every time that I called home, I felt the wave of love travelling over the phone. The whole week emphasized how blessed I truly am. And, my stupendous husband had the house spotless when I got home. What more can a girl ask for?
I'm only sorry that none of my girls could join me!
Love to you all! Enjoy the pics!
JT after his swing.

Degeneres joined Justin for the first hole of the pro-am. It was comical!

Me with David
Duval on the practice green.