Friday, September 12, 2008

Brendan's New Preschool Teacher

Although Brendan hasn't started preschool yet here in Duluth, he did get a home visit from his new teacher. He, of course, was thrilled. He'll start next Tuesday and go 3 days a week (Tuesday thru Thursday). We both can't wait! We're working on him remembering her name. She also gave him homework, which he thought was really cool. He's got his homework, school supplies and backpack all ready to go for next week. The count down started last Tuesday (the day of the home visit).

Brendan and Mrs. Jennifer Sundahl

1 comment:

Tori said...

So cute! I love home visits...yay for his new school!!!!

And, that's a tough name for a preschooler, but I'm sure he'll master it soon! :)

Love you guys and can't wait to see you!