Saturday, March 8, 2008

First Day of Hockey Jamboree

Maren and Brendan had their "Hockey Jamboree's" today.

For Maren, it involved her first full ice game of the season. This girl can really skate. Not only did she score 2 goals, but she also was usually the first one back on defense. I've included 2 videos: one of her 2nd goal and one that was especially impressive to Bret (that she stayed standing).

Maren's 2nd Goal (red jersey, pink socks)

They all fall down except Maren

One of the best things for Maren was the making of a new friend, Carlie.

The girls with their trophies

For Brendan, it involved a game on a full sheet of ice, with shortened goals and high school goalies (which Brendan loved; he at one point was having a discussion with one of the goalies, during the game). Although after declaring that he would score 20 goals, he ended up with 1 shot on goal, which as you'll see on his video is pretty darn good considering that he couldn't skate last September (he couldn't even stand up on skates by himself) and that he's the littlest guy out there. Also, he actually really knows what's going on (e.g. which goal he's supposed to shoot on, where the puck is, etc.).

Brendan's skating and turning!

Brendan sends the puck into the zone.

Brendan is skating with two feet!

Brendan and his friend, Jacob, enjoy their trophies. The boys also go to preschool together.

Connor's Jamboree is tomorrow, which involves back-to-back games. I'm just hoping that he can still skate in the second game. More tomorrow! XOXO


uncledave said...

You have the makings of the next "granato" family of hockey.
I am so proud of them all!

Tori said...

They are all so cute! I can't believe what good skaters you have...all that cold and ice have some positives I guess! :)

Congrats to all! Love you guys!