Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Star Wars Threesome!

Happy Halloween! Well, it just sort of sprang upon us. We had just gotten back from Orlando and were trying to get back in the swing of things. I had convinced my threesome to go with the Star Wars theme this year. And my wonderful husband went on a nature hike to gather our pumpkins and worked hard to get them carved (after I had totally forgotten about it).

Brendan's pumpkin (which Maren help start carving), Connor's and Maren's

Maren as Princess Leia (with blaster gun)

Connor as Boba Fett (bounty hunter from Star Wars 5/6)

Brendan as Blue Clone Trooper
(with a light saber because he broke his blaster gun)

Our Trio
(I especially love Maren's pose in these group pics)


Tori said...

Love the Star Wars theme! They are too cute! Maren looks ready to "pose" a threat to any wrongdoer!

the roe family said...

these are GREAT!!! they made me laugh. maren-striking a pose. i love it!