Monday, April 7, 2008

Maren's Big News!

On March 27, Maren was coming up the stairs for dinner when she slipped and fell, hitting her mouth on the top wooden step. At the time, it just looked like she bit her lip. I was just thrilled that we didn't need to head to the ER for more stitches (for those of you who don't remember, Maren is our "Stitch Queen". Last week after we got back from Duluth, I noticed that her top front two teeth were discolored and getting progressively worse. I called the dentist and took her in today. The dentist gave me the choice of waiting and seeing or pulling the teeth. She was concerned about infection, which could affect the permanent teeth. After all she's been through, I opted to pull the teeth. She was a real trooper! After a couple of worried moments, she pulled through with flying colors. She's thrilled to put her two teeth in her glow-in-the-dark large tooth that she got from the dentist under her pillow. Dad already brought home 2 Webkinz from the "Dad Fairy". She had previously broken a sliver off of one of her bottom front teeth. Enjoy the pictures!


Tori said...

So brave! Now she knows what to put on the top of her Christmas list! hee hee!

the roe family said...

what a strong brave girl!